Friday, September 24, 2010

Skateboarding at School?!?

Skateboarding at school. Bad, right? At least that's what I thought! I thought schools didn't want kids skateboarding on campus in case they got hurt because then it would be the school's fault! But I was, in fact, mistaken! You heard right. MISTAKEN! Schools are ENCOURAGING skateboarding! Whaa?!?!? Yeah, that's what I said...

This all happened when a teacher, and also a good parent, took his kids to a skate park. He saw the kids all exercising and getting tired and he even saw a couple of kids from his class! I'm happy I wasn't those kids! It's a kid's worse nightmare to see their teachers out of class! Anyway, this teacher, who is a smart teacher in my opinion because he's helping kids get out and be active, went to the school board. The school board approved his idea - which is the idea to use skateboards in P.E. class - and kids are lovvvvvin' it! If that comes to my school everyone will have an A+ because everyone skates! (Except me!)

The kids probably love that teacher now and the new version of P.E. has spread out to 500 schools in 31 different states! What a great cool way to make us kids healthier, Teach. I just might nominate you for Teacher of the Year!

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