Monday, September 6, 2010

Steven Slater - Back in the News

Hey, remember this guy? That's right, the one that became famous for doing something most adults apparently wish they could do. Ditched his job in the awesomest way possible! With the emergency evacuation chute on his plane, no less!

Well, he's back. And this time, he's definitely out of a job! But wait, JetBlue didn't fire him! He ended up resigning! Wha???

What exactly does it take to get fired from JetBlue? The guy cursed out the passengers over the P.A. system. Grabbed some alcohol from the plane's galley. Deployed the emergency chute (which can be dangerous for people on the ground). And made the most flamboyant exit from an uncrashed airplane ever! And JetBlue still had to consider whether they wanted him to work for them or not. Wow! These people need a crash course (heh heh) in customer relations.

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