Sunday, September 26, 2010

Flight of the Bumblebee

What the? What? WOWWW! This must have taken him forever! No, really, it must have taken him forever. 1,600 picture with a 30 second break after each note means that it took him 13 hours to play the song. (I did the math!) And then he had to edit it!

The piece he was playing was the Flight of the Bumblebee! It's a famous piece written by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. I love this piece. I first heard it on one of my video games! (Naturally. That's where I hear everything. Meaning all I do is play video games, in case you didn't figure out what I was trying to say!)

Anyway... I thought I had no life! But I admire this guy for doing this though! I know I could never do something like this... unless I could do it all at once. I wouldn't have the patience to record something for 13 hours straight!

One other thing I thought was well done was the way the background changed. That was pretty cool.

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