Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Giganto Snails!

What a stupid boy and a stupid mistake this stupid boy made back in 1966. If it wasn't for this IDIOT we wouldn't have these giant snails in Florida or anywhere in the United States! The mistake this boy made was that he smuggled three snails into the South Florida area, in Miami. He was keeping them as pets. Hey, guess what, they grew too big! His grandmother later released them into the garden. I bet you wouldn't guess that seven years later, their population had grown to 18,000! EIGHTEEN. THOUSAND. EIGTHEEEEEEN THOUSAAAAAAAAND!!!

Giant African snails won’t bite, but they are carriers of parasites, and they will chew up anything in their path. So please, just don't buy them as pets, peoples!

Florida finally got rid of all the snails in the wild but people still keep them as pets, even though it is illegal! I bet they're saying, I don't care if it's illegal! I have a nice cute little snail. But they have yet to find out that it shall soon be bigger than them! Muhahahahah!

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