Monday, September 27, 2010

Gloria Stuart

Mostly everyone has seen the Titanic. I think it's because it's the highest grossing movie of all time... oh wait, no it's not. That's Avatar now. But it's directed by the same director so it's the same thing, right? Anyway, this old lady, Gloria Stuart, had the good fortune to get herself into the second most watched movie of all time! ALL TIME!!!!!!!!

Now she was famous when she was younger... MUCH MUCH MUCH YOUNGER, might I add. She was famous wayyyyy back in the 1930's... that's right about 80 years ago. Back even before WWII! The fact of staying alive for that long is quite an accomplishment to me! But she didn't achieve the kind of fame she did when she was young as she did when she starred in Titanic at the age of 87 playing Rose, a 101-year old survivor of the Titanic. If Gloria was never in Titanic she would have most likely died quietly and no one, besides her family of course, would have probably noticed. Yet she made it to 100 and famous! Cool.

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