Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Golfing Catastrophe

Ok, ok, I know I've been doing a lot of golf stories lately and I promise this is the last one, it's just this story definitely deserves to be in my blog! I always knew you could use a golf club for all kinds of non-golfy purposes like a walking stick, fishing rod, and a club, to name a few. But what we can add to that now is a firestarter.

Over the weekend, a golfer's golf ball struck a rock. Only this time, the impact caused a spark, and the spark set off a blaze that eventually covered 25 acres. They needed 150 firefighters to put it out!
What are the chances of that happening?!? The answer is 1 and one bagillion million fo fillian! So if your thinking this might be enough to stop you from golfing, I wouldn't worry about it. You have more of a chance of winning the lottery ten times over! Wow, I wish that would happen to me! The lottery thing - not starting a fire while golfing!

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