Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Running Back's Heart Stopping TD!

On Friday night, running back Hayward Demison made a heart-stopping run to give Central Catholic High School a 28-24, come-from. The issue, Demison is that his heart was the one that stopped.

After running over 45 yards to the end zone, Demison went to the sideline and asked for his inhaler. He was diagnosed with athletic asthma two years before. He then took a puff thinking it would help him, but instead of easing Demison's breathing, the inhaler actually made his heart start to race even faster! Stupid doctors giving him the wrong prescription! The running back then leaned against an assistant coach and, moments later, collapsed!

Deminson quoted this afterwards. "I just fell on the ground, I don't remember anything else except waking up a few minutes later, and people are standing over me, and I'm in shock. I'm trying to get up, and everybody's saying, 'Stay there. Calm down.' I looked to my left and saw everybody, and they were crying."

What a relief he is O.K! If I was him, I know I would never trust that inhaler again and I would never play football again! It's not worth a life!

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