Friday, September 17, 2010

Cat Village!

Say what? How long did this junk take!? I mean, I like cats, but not enough to build them a whole village that takes $550 to tend to a year! That's over 1,000 dollars in one year!

This crazy but devoted man named Craig Grant didn't like cats when his son had one (amazingly - but I guess he's warmed up to them a lot!) but then his son moved away leaving Craig with his son's cat. The cat's name was Pepper - I like salt better so that's what I would have named mine! He then found out that Pepper was pregnant! I honestly have no idea how this happened since there wasn't another cat in the house! I can't believe this man didn't have this cat "taken care of" so it couldn't have babies if he didn't like cats so much!

Anyway, five cats later, Craig was about to get rid of them by giving them up for adoption until his son told him they had to stay with the mother for eight weeks! Eight weeks?!? What the heck!? If I was him I would be ready to give them up right then and there! That meant this man's budget on cat food would go up up up!

The cats started to be a problem for Craig, as they would be for me! I like cats - but not 6! The neighbors were also starting to complain. The cats were being harassed by the kids around the neighborhood, some even being shot by B.B. guns! What kind of devilish children are those?! Craig then saw a newspaper advertisement that sent him 100 miles away from his condo in Jacksonville. The advertisement was for a tree farm. When he got there I guess he thought it was perfect because he bought it right away! Craig moved there in 2003 and had 11 cats when he moved in... he has many more now! I don't know how this cat-hating man became a man with over 650 cats! He has 660 at the moment!

He then made a cat village for the cats which actually came out VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY NICE! It looks so goooood! The cats love it! They have a City Hall, a Wal-Mart, everything! I'm pretty sure you can tell from all the pictures how awesome it is!

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