Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Tree-Kangaroo

You must watch this to get the post!

If you watched that amazing video up above, you have just seen the elusive tree-kangaroo that has never been caught on tape in the wild before this. If you don't know what a tree-kangaroo is, it's a macropod that has adapted for life in the trees. It's related to other marsupials like the kangaroo and the wallaby, thus the name tree-kangaroo. Tree-kangaroos are found in the rainforests of Papua New Guinea and nearby islands, they live usually in mountainous areas. My favorite part of the video is when the tree-kangaroo freefalls 200 feet from the top of a tree. Amazing to watch! I have no idea how he survived. And then later on in the video, he does it again! It seems like something they do frequently. Wow! I wonder if that's like an adrenaline rush for him... It seems like it's his version of a roller-coaster! I can almost hear him saying wheeeee!
Tree-kangaroos are considered an endangered species due to hunting and habitat loss. They're so cute! If only I could have one as a pet!

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