Tuesday, November 30, 2010

World's Smallest Car!

Perry Watkins “Wind Up Mini Car" was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s smallest car with license to drive on public streets!!! This mini car is an amazing 41 inches high, 51 inches long and 26 inches wide!!! That's like the height of my mom!

According to several news sites, Perry Watkins used a coin-operated children’s ride to make his car. He repainted the body and put in the engine of an ATV bike. The rear tires and wheels come from a motorcyle and the front wheels were custom-made.

The amazing thing is that this "world’s smallest car" has seat belts and can drive 60 kph!!! SIXTY, PEOPLE!

This car is pretty neat, but it doesn't look very comfortable to ride in. Maybe he could donate it to the world's smallest person or something!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Choclate Christmas Tree

Note: Must watch this video!

Oh my! That's amazing! A Christmas Tree that's 10 meters tall! But its height isn't the amazing feat... the amazing thing is that it's made completely out of chocolate! That's right, chocolate! A single man named Patrick Roger created that beauty! And the great thing is that any money that the giant Choclate Christmas tree makes will be going straight to charity! Another amazing thing is that I finally found something that weighs more then my dog! That's right! This tree weighs 4 TONS. TONS PEOPLE! THAT'S 8,000 POUNDS!!!

I think that's a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas! Giving for nothing in return! I admire you Mister Roger! May you have a merry merry merry Christmas! And as much as I love chocolate, I don't know if I could eat that wonderful work of art. But I love it anyway!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

President Gets 12 Stitches

Dang yo! I'm sure the Secret Service wasn't happy with the guy that elbowed the president in the mouth while playing basketball! Oh, you didn't know about that? What happened was President Barack Obama got elbowed in the face during a pickup basketball game. He needed 12 stiches to close the gash so I'm sure it was pretty big!

When he first got elbowed, the White House didn't name the person who caused the injury. I guess they didn't want people attacking him for punching the President in the face! lol! But then they later identified him as "Rey Decerega, director of programs for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute." Oh oh. If I was Rey, I'd be going into the Witness Protection Program right about now!

The president received the stitches right in the White House in the doctor's office on the ground floor. Man, they have everything in that place! A doctor's office, bowling alley, movie theatre, I wouldn't be suprised if they had a theme park! If I was president, I'd be adding a video game room. Yeah! Anyway, Rey Decerega better watch his back. I'm sure the president's bodyguards aren't too happy about what he did!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Macy's Thanksgiving Parade 2010

The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is often shortened to Macy's Day Parade. This parade is an annual parade presented by Macy's. The parade was started in 1927 and done every year after that. 1927, people. That's older than my dad... that's amazing! The three-hour event is held in New York City at 9:00 am every Thanksgiving morning!

What makes it so amazing to me is all the giant floating balloons! Like Kermit, Po from Kung Fu Panda, SpongeBob SquarePants, Scooby Doo and more! This year they even had the character from one of my favorite books, Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Awesome! One day I want to go... if only I had family in New York so that way I could stay at their house and mooch off their Thanksgiving food since every place will be closed!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cold Tom Book Review

Cold Tom you say? Yeah, I read that book! Is it good? NO. IT WAS HORRIBLE. Now I usually like fantasy books with demons, vampires, werewolves and all the good gruesome stuff... but this book. THIS BOOK WAS HORRIBLE. I think it was supposed to be a scary book since in it, he goes to the demon world. This young boy named Tom is an outcast from his tribe. His tribe sees Tom as weak and plan to kill him. They're planning this because he almost let demons discover his tribe, and if they did that, the whole tribe would have been wiped out. When Tom finds out about their plans, he runs away to the city of the demons. I think this was supposed to be the scary part, where he saw demons around every corner of the city. I didn't like the book because the author, Sally Prue, tried to make it scary but she always failed horribly. The scariest part of the book was when there was a demon in the same house as Tom and he was a few feet away hiding in the fireplace and that was the most suspensful part for me. I don't think Sally Prue should write horror books if she doesn't know how to make them scary. I believe that this book could have been interesting, however if you like horror books that aren't scary you should go for this book! :]

Wow... wowowowow! Pt 2!

Alright, I'm seriously done with this Google Maps thing. I'M SEEING A LITTLE TOO MUCH! THINGS THAT I DON'T WANT TO SEE. I mean really, Germany... I know you guys like to be naked in public, as do I, but it's illegal! Okay, this might have been an emergency, but really! Do you think it's going to be a good idea to be walking around when you know your baby is due soon?!? I mean, here's this woman lying down in the street giving birth while the man kneeling beside her is holding a newborn baby! I mean, there's even a dude to the left and I can tell by the way he's standing his face looks like this... O_O

Okay seriously, I'm never going to Germany now. Naked men getting into trunks, women giving birth on the street... I mean just look at that picture! Uhhhhh....

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Wow... wowowowow!

LOLOLOLOL, I think Google Maps has gone a LITTLE TOO MUCH IN DEPTH. More than I need to see, at least! On Google Maps there is a baffling picture that shows a NAKED man getting into the trunk of his car! At least this takes place in Germany, not anywhere close to me! Now I know for sure I'm never going to Germany! Not unless I want to see naked men getting into their trunks! I don't know if that's abusurd over there but here it's insane! Not to mention a dog lies nearby doing nothing probably thinking, "Oh, this is normal!" Come to think of it, I don't even want to know what he's doing anymore...


So I just realized how beast that song (Chocolate Rain) was, and guess what!? I'm gonna learn it on piano, suckers! It looks kind of hard, but I can do it! I mean, in the past month I've learned Fur Elise and Don't Stop Believing! How hard can this be compared to those...

I like a few things about this video. The piano beat is really catchy and I find it quite funny when he moves away from the mic to breathe (: Not to mention his deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep voice! CHOOOOOOOOOCOLATE RAIN! His voice adds to it because the chocolate is the rain and his voice is the thunder! :D

The Nissan Leaf

The Nissan Leaf is the newest amazing fully electric car! LEAF is also a perfect name because the car is aiming to help our world environmentally. LEAF also stands for Leading Environmentally friendly Affordable Family car! The Nissan Leaf will get 100 miles on a full charge! Not to mention it will only cost $561 a year in electricity!!! FIVE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-ONE DOLLARS, PEOPLE! I think it's a great invention and they'll sell faster then turkey on Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 22, 2010

More Than 345 Deaths?!?!

This is just devastating! Thousands of people stampeded at a festival in the Cambodian capital leaving 349 people dead. I can't imagine how awful it must be to be in the middle of a stampedeing crowd. I would panic! What would I do!? There would be no escape! Aarrgghh.

A panicking crowd was celebrating the end of the rainy season when they tried to flee across a bridge. Many people were crushed or fell over its sides into the water! Disoriented people struggled to find an escape through all the humanity. I feel sorry for all these people and their families too. This celebration turned into a tragedy.


As you all know, Thanksgiving is this week! You know what I'm thankful for... I'm thankful for Thanksgiving because we have a whole 5 days off of school! If you've been living under a rock for the past 500 bizillion gajillion years, Thanksgiving is a day that is also known as Turkey Day. It is a festival celebrated mostly in the United States and in some of Canada. Thanksgiving was a holiday to express thankfulness, of course... but also gratitude, and appreciation, to family and friends and God if you're not athiest like me. Thanks to Thanksgiving for giving me an excuse to spend time with family and friends (and videogames!).

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Harry Potter... continued?

Now we've all seen and watched Daniel Radcliffe grow up on the big screen as the young wizard Harry Potter. But now... after ten years and seven huge films, the 22-year-old (yes, 22! TWENTY TWO, PEOPLE!) actor is reaching the end of Harry Potter. Is it really over?

J. K. Rowling pretty much "promised" him that she wasn't going to write any more Harry Potter books. But I heard her say she hasn't ruled it out. Daniel said, "I think the two of us have to have a very interesting conversation at some point in the near future. If they did actually do another film I don't think I'd be on board. No. I think ten years is enough."

I agree with him! 10 years is a long time to be filming a series of movies. I agree with this quote of his: "One of the things that makes the biggest difference (with The Deathly Hallows) is that we're out of Hogwarts, which I think immediately lends the film a more kind of adult tone. When we've been in a school, you can't help but see us as school kids. Now, we're sort of just fugitives on the run. And there's so much action. But, actually, it does not compare to Part 2, which is coming next summer. The last film is just an all out action movie from start to finish."

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Amazing Etch-a-Sketches

Part of me hopes this isn't real. I hope this because I remember struggling to draw on an Etch-a-Sketch and then I finally had to be satisfied with my crap drawing of a house... which consisted of straight lines since circular shapes are too difficult to draw! Even yesterday I was so proud of an Etch-a-Sketch drawing I did that was just squares that was one square inside the other until it got tinier and tinier until I couldn't do it anymore. I was so amazed I decided to show my mom! But she didn't think my work was god-like like I did. :( And then she showed me the picture above and I realized what she was talking about. This picture still amazes me. Watch, I'll do it one day! I'll practice so hard my eyes will look like Etch-a-Sketches! Hehe.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Black Friday Deal!

Good Lordy! This is an amazing deal for Black Friday! The picture as I like to say it... has been looking pretty magnificent for HD Televisions! Haha, lol, I slay me... Oh, right, so it's Black Friday and they have great deals on TVs! You can get a 22-inch LCD television for $180! $180, people! That's just amazing. I'd buy one for my bedroom if my mom wasn't so mean and absolutely refused to let me have a TV in my bedroom ever! Man, she's a meaner. I mean, I could be playing video games in my room! That's standard must-have equipment for every teenager. At least that's what I keep telling her but she's not listening.

Another amazing thing to get is an iPad! An 8 Gigabyte iPad like the that I got was $500! The one that's being sold for Black Friday is $185! $185, people! When I saw this my eyes almost popped out of my head! I love Black Friday deals! Now if I just knew what Black Friday was...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ferrari Roller Coaster

When I saw this amazing roller coaster, I said, "Who doesn't love riding in a Ferrari?" Nobody, that's who! And what are the chances that you'll ever get to ride in a Ferrari? Well, your chances just drastically increased because there is a new roller coaster called the "Formula Rossa Roller Coaster," the world's fastest coaster in the brand new Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi!

When I saw this, I said, "Sweet mother of mercy, that's awesome!!!!!!" The coaster, which just opened 9 days ago on Nov. 4, reaches a top speed of nearly 150 mph in less than four seconds! I can't imagine being pinned to the seat going that fast! I'd be poopin' in mah pants! Gaaahhhh!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


As you know, Veteran's Day was today! A whole day off of school is what I like to think of it as! I did my part in honoring soldiers by playing a whole day of Call of Duty II! As you've probably figured out from the title, it's a war game. I learned a lot about what soldiers go through by playing that game...

Veteran's Day, if you're not very smart, don't know, or couldn't figure it out by what I just said, is a United States holiday celebrated annually honoring military veterans. It takes place November 11th of every year!

And I spent my day playing a video game with soldiers in it... Soldiers! SOLDIERS, PEOPLE! Even if my mom wasn't pleased! At least it was a great reason to play video games all day, don't you think? Well, here's waiting for November 11th of next year!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! (Part 1!)

OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY GODDDD! I CAN'T WAIT FOR HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS TO COME OUT! IT OPENS NEXT FRIDAY! FRIDAY! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'll really miss Harry and I wish the franchise would keep going on and on until he looks like Dumbledore! Heh heh heh! But as we all know, Daniel Radcliffe is leaving Harry Potter FOREVER! FOREVERRRRRR! He will say goodbye next summer when the second half of the two-part Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes to the movies. But even though he's now richer than God, he's already taking roles for other movies! He's going to take a role in a movie called, "Woman in Black!" Sounds interesting, but I can't wait for Deathly Hallows Part 1 to open though since it opens next Friday! I'm so excited!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So today I was in school and the principal comes on the intercom. I'm thinking, Yay!!! Good news! Then I hear that we're in an immediate lockdown from a bomb threat coming from Pembrooke Pines! And then I find out that all of Broward County schools are in lockdown. That's over a quarter of a million students, people! A QUARTER OF A MILLION STUDENTS! THE 6TH LARGEST SCHOOL DISTRICT IN THE COUNTRY! SIXTH!

Unfortunately, it wasn't exciting at all. It was the most boring thing I have ever done in school, and I dind't think that was possible because I always think school is boring! LOL! Pretty much, I got stuck in the worst class you could be stuck in, the only class where talking isn't "permitted!" I was stuck in there the whole day. We didn't get to change classes or even go to lunch! I was starving, people! STARVING! Not to mention the fact that today was the only day I didn't bring my phone to school so my parents had no way of calling or texting to find out if I was okay! I despise lockdowns now! -__- And I thought it was going to be such an exciting day!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Oooh, you don't even want to know what happened to me today! I was so mad I could have thrown a baby off a parking garage! Exaggeration, of course, don't think of me as a baby killer. But when I was in Reading Class, I figured how close I truly was to not being in that horrible class. I was three... THREE POINTS AWAY FROM BEING A LEVEL THREE WHICH WOULD HAVE BOOSTED ME OUT OF THAT CLASS. If I got one more question right, any type of question, I would NOT be in that class! Everytime I think about that I get mad knowing I shouldn't be in that class. I know I shouldn't either and I know how serious FCAT is now! Take it seriously or end up like me! Frustrated being 3 points away from another class that's probably much more fun!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wheel of Fortune Amazing Puzzle Solving!

Just skip to 1:21 seconds in to see what I'm talking about!

Cheater! That was the first word that came to mind when I saw this video! There is no way! No way ever that somebody could answer a puzzle that long with one letter! I'd like to say, "Hey I guess she had a... 'GOOD FEELING ABOUT IT!' :)

If I was on this show with that lady and I was an opponent... ooooh, I would have accused her of cheating on the spot and told me to tell her who the nice person was that gave her the answer! Probably her husband works backstage on the show or something... Good thing I wasn't on that show!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Food Clothes?!

Wow, who would have thought that those two things could be combined into one. Food and clothes. Some designer, I guess, and that's exactly what she did.

So far sh'es come up with five, made out of artichokes, bread, pasta, waffles, and meat! Now, this just astonished me when I saw it! What if a hobo runs up to you in the street and just starts eating your clothes until it's gone?! Then you'll be running down the street naked yelling, "A hobo just ate my clothes! Help!" And you'd better watch out if you run into a dog or two. You'll be in danger of being mauled. Especially if it's Lady Gaga's meat dress.

The photographer of the food clothes claims, "Lady Gaga's meat dress may have gotten loads of attention, but she wasn't the first one to come up with the idea." She said this because her "Hunger Pains" photo shoot was done last year. I'm sure she didn't appreciate people thinking she ripped off Lady Gaga when it was the other way around!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

High Tech Washing Machines!

Now, I have pretty low tech washing and drying machines. I just have the bare minimum to survive and that's all I need, but these new machines are going all fancy wancy and what not! The Whirlpool Corporation released it's new "top-load Vantage washers..." whatever that means. Those people and their fancy schmancy talks and machines. Anway, these expensive machines are priced at $4,000 for the pair! The most expenisive in it's line, which isn't suprising! The machines are so expensive because they have 33 different settings! They have the usual settings for clothing but also for other items, such as blankets and shower curtains! I have to admit that is pretty convenient. And to top it all off, the settings are made using an LCD touch-screen! The company says it is also introducing other models at lower prices! I have to admit, I'm not much into washing, but I do like high tech gadgets...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Jules Verne

I read about one of the most famous science fiction authors Jules Verne today! In fact I've just realized who wrote the script to Journey to the Center of the Earth! I saw that movie in Reading and thought it was interesting! Another famous book of Jules Verne's that was turned into a movie was Around the World in 80 Days! 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea is yet another book by Jules Verne made into a movie! Movie producers must really like his stories! I know I do!

Anyway Jules Verne was so interesting to me because he made some amazing predictions about the kinds of things he expected to see in the future and all of them had amazing accuracy! Verne predicted: "Motion pictures, wirephotos, color photography, recorded books, air conditioners, computers, synthetic materials, condensed foods, prefabricated mass housing, public health programs, air pollution control and space satellites", and remember, he predicted these all way before we were close to having any of this! That's just amazing! This was back in the 19th century when he predicted this! I look up to Jules Verne as a science fiction writer and I think we need science fiction writers to help give us vision. When I read a great sci-fi story with amazing inventions and contraptions, I find myself thinking, "Wow. I wonder if that will be real some day."

Monday, November 1, 2010


Ahh, Halloween. The holiday that kids think of as, "Free candy! Scaring people! Wearing Costumes! Going to Haunted Attractions such as Halloween Horror Nights! Carving Jack-O-Lanterns! And Commiting Pranks!"

My Halloween was very awesome this year! I had a bunch of friends come over and we went trick or treating and then we came back and just hung out! I can't believe that we had school the next day, which was Monday, but we don't have school on Tuesday. I don't see why they couldn't just move Election Day to Monday so kids could have that day off too and my friends and I could have had a better time and hung out longer! Stupid politicians, never thinking about the kids... What a great time I had this Halloween though! My friends didn't leave my house until late though and my mommy was mad! At least I have a pillowcase full of candy! What am I going to do with it you ask? Muhahahaha... let's just say it'll be gone in a week.