Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Jules Verne

I read about one of the most famous science fiction authors Jules Verne today! In fact I've just realized who wrote the script to Journey to the Center of the Earth! I saw that movie in Reading and thought it was interesting! Another famous book of Jules Verne's that was turned into a movie was Around the World in 80 Days! 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea is yet another book by Jules Verne made into a movie! Movie producers must really like his stories! I know I do!

Anyway Jules Verne was so interesting to me because he made some amazing predictions about the kinds of things he expected to see in the future and all of them had amazing accuracy! Verne predicted: "Motion pictures, wirephotos, color photography, recorded books, air conditioners, computers, synthetic materials, condensed foods, prefabricated mass housing, public health programs, air pollution control and space satellites", and remember, he predicted these all way before we were close to having any of this! That's just amazing! This was back in the 19th century when he predicted this! I look up to Jules Verne as a science fiction writer and I think we need science fiction writers to help give us vision. When I read a great sci-fi story with amazing inventions and contraptions, I find myself thinking, "Wow. I wonder if that will be real some day."

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