Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wow... wowowowow! Pt 2!

Alright, I'm seriously done with this Google Maps thing. I'M SEEING A LITTLE TOO MUCH! THINGS THAT I DON'T WANT TO SEE. I mean really, Germany... I know you guys like to be naked in public, as do I, but it's illegal! Okay, this might have been an emergency, but really! Do you think it's going to be a good idea to be walking around when you know your baby is due soon?!? I mean, here's this woman lying down in the street giving birth while the man kneeling beside her is holding a newborn baby! I mean, there's even a dude to the left and I can tell by the way he's standing his face looks like this... O_O

Okay seriously, I'm never going to Germany now. Naked men getting into trunks, women giving birth on the street... I mean just look at that picture! Uhhhhh....

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