Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Harry Potter... continued?

Now we've all seen and watched Daniel Radcliffe grow up on the big screen as the young wizard Harry Potter. But now... after ten years and seven huge films, the 22-year-old (yes, 22! TWENTY TWO, PEOPLE!) actor is reaching the end of Harry Potter. Is it really over?

J. K. Rowling pretty much "promised" him that she wasn't going to write any more Harry Potter books. But I heard her say she hasn't ruled it out. Daniel said, "I think the two of us have to have a very interesting conversation at some point in the near future. If they did actually do another film I don't think I'd be on board. No. I think ten years is enough."

I agree with him! 10 years is a long time to be filming a series of movies. I agree with this quote of his: "One of the things that makes the biggest difference (with The Deathly Hallows) is that we're out of Hogwarts, which I think immediately lends the film a more kind of adult tone. When we've been in a school, you can't help but see us as school kids. Now, we're sort of just fugitives on the run. And there's so much action. But, actually, it does not compare to Part 2, which is coming next summer. The last film is just an all out action movie from start to finish."

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