Monday, November 15, 2010

Black Friday Deal!

Good Lordy! This is an amazing deal for Black Friday! The picture as I like to say it... has been looking pretty magnificent for HD Televisions! Haha, lol, I slay me... Oh, right, so it's Black Friday and they have great deals on TVs! You can get a 22-inch LCD television for $180! $180, people! That's just amazing. I'd buy one for my bedroom if my mom wasn't so mean and absolutely refused to let me have a TV in my bedroom ever! Man, she's a meaner. I mean, I could be playing video games in my room! That's standard must-have equipment for every teenager. At least that's what I keep telling her but she's not listening.

Another amazing thing to get is an iPad! An 8 Gigabyte iPad like the that I got was $500! The one that's being sold for Black Friday is $185! $185, people! When I saw this my eyes almost popped out of my head! I love Black Friday deals! Now if I just knew what Black Friday was...

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