Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Amazing Etch-a-Sketches

Part of me hopes this isn't real. I hope this because I remember struggling to draw on an Etch-a-Sketch and then I finally had to be satisfied with my crap drawing of a house... which consisted of straight lines since circular shapes are too difficult to draw! Even yesterday I was so proud of an Etch-a-Sketch drawing I did that was just squares that was one square inside the other until it got tinier and tinier until I couldn't do it anymore. I was so amazed I decided to show my mom! But she didn't think my work was god-like like I did. :( And then she showed me the picture above and I realized what she was talking about. This picture still amazes me. Watch, I'll do it one day! I'll practice so hard my eyes will look like Etch-a-Sketches! Hehe.

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