Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So today I was in school and the principal comes on the intercom. I'm thinking, Yay!!! Good news! Then I hear that we're in an immediate lockdown from a bomb threat coming from Pembrooke Pines! And then I find out that all of Broward County schools are in lockdown. That's over a quarter of a million students, people! A QUARTER OF A MILLION STUDENTS! THE 6TH LARGEST SCHOOL DISTRICT IN THE COUNTRY! SIXTH!

Unfortunately, it wasn't exciting at all. It was the most boring thing I have ever done in school, and I dind't think that was possible because I always think school is boring! LOL! Pretty much, I got stuck in the worst class you could be stuck in, the only class where talking isn't "permitted!" I was stuck in there the whole day. We didn't get to change classes or even go to lunch! I was starving, people! STARVING! Not to mention the fact that today was the only day I didn't bring my phone to school so my parents had no way of calling or texting to find out if I was okay! I despise lockdowns now! -__- And I thought it was going to be such an exciting day!

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