Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cold Tom Book Review

Cold Tom you say? Yeah, I read that book! Is it good? NO. IT WAS HORRIBLE. Now I usually like fantasy books with demons, vampires, werewolves and all the good gruesome stuff... but this book. THIS BOOK WAS HORRIBLE. I think it was supposed to be a scary book since in it, he goes to the demon world. This young boy named Tom is an outcast from his tribe. His tribe sees Tom as weak and plan to kill him. They're planning this because he almost let demons discover his tribe, and if they did that, the whole tribe would have been wiped out. When Tom finds out about their plans, he runs away to the city of the demons. I think this was supposed to be the scary part, where he saw demons around every corner of the city. I didn't like the book because the author, Sally Prue, tried to make it scary but she always failed horribly. The scariest part of the book was when there was a demon in the same house as Tom and he was a few feet away hiding in the fireplace and that was the most suspensful part for me. I don't think Sally Prue should write horror books if she doesn't know how to make them scary. I believe that this book could have been interesting, however if you like horror books that aren't scary you should go for this book! :]

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