Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Oooh, you don't even want to know what happened to me today! I was so mad I could have thrown a baby off a parking garage! Exaggeration, of course, don't think of me as a baby killer. But when I was in Reading Class, I figured how close I truly was to not being in that horrible class. I was three... THREE POINTS AWAY FROM BEING A LEVEL THREE WHICH WOULD HAVE BOOSTED ME OUT OF THAT CLASS. If I got one more question right, any type of question, I would NOT be in that class! Everytime I think about that I get mad knowing I shouldn't be in that class. I know I shouldn't either and I know how serious FCAT is now! Take it seriously or end up like me! Frustrated being 3 points away from another class that's probably much more fun!

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