Monday, January 31, 2011

Ambam, the Gorilla-Man

This gorilla's a celebrity now!!! This video was posted just the other day and has over 250,000 views! I do have to admit that gorilla, Ambam, is pretty amazing!

The gorilla keeper, Phil Ridges, said: "Ambam’s father, Bitam, used to display the same behaviour if he had handfuls of food to carry."

Him and his father are awesome then! I want a gorilla now! One that can stand up like that and get food for me :) The thing that was the most funny to me though was he was just strolling around Port Lympne Wild Animal Park like nothing he was doing was amazing! I mean he must have seen that the other gorilla's were not doing it and he had an amazing talent but no! I know that's a lot for a gorilla to think through... but hey, we were supposed to have evolved from them - that means we used to walk on all fours like gorillas at one point, right? Oh, my God. Maybe we're seeing evolution happening right before our very eyes...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What kind of Tacos?!?

A Tucson taco restaurant already has served up python, alligator, elk, kangaroo, rattlesnake and turtle!!! Next on the menu will be lion meat. I didn't think anyone would even eat this type of food, but apparently I was wrong because a few curious customers have already made reservations! I thought this was illegal but the Food and Drug Administration said that lion and other meat can be sold as long at the species isn't endangered even though I think that's really wrong! The owners of the restaurant said they try anything they can get their hands on! Next who knows what it'll be! Maybe a jellyfish taco? :)

Geezer Bandit!

Sure they gave him a nice funny name, but this is serious business. There is an "elderly" thief, who is nicknamed the Geezer Bandit. He is being hunted by police in California after he pulled off his thirteenth bank robbery! Who knew an old man could be such a criminal! He's 70+!

The FBI is offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the man! He has escaped police and authorities despite being pictured clearly on footage! How hard is it to catch an old man, people?!? On Friday afternoon he wore his standard outfit - dark glasses, a blazer, dark trousers and a hat, when he robbed a branch of Bank of America in Santa Barbara after threatening a cashier with a pistol! This guys no joke! I just want to know where all the money's going...

Babies Wrapped Up In What?

Talk about die hard Steeler fans?!?! I guess they start 'em young up in Pittsburgh! A hospital in Pittsburgh is wrapping each newborn in a Terrible Towel as part of a celebration of the Steelers playing in Super Bowl XLV! Now I'm not that interested in football, but apparently these people are!!! St. Clair Hospital started the tradition when the Steelers last made it to the Super Bowl and decided to continue this year!

One of the employees in the hospital said, "They're born Steelers fans here in Pittsburgh!" I can see that! The only person that wouldn't be able to come to that conclusion would be a blind person! Even babies can figure that out! Sure I think it's a cute idea and I guess it's those Terrible Towels will be hanging proudly in those family's houses for years to come... maybe this idea isn't so bad after all...

Boy Dunks Himself!

Now this is something you don't see every day! A boy not only dunking the ball, but dunking himself! I noticed a lot of things about this video! For one, this guy made three balls in one shot! Does that count as 6 points? :) By the way, as this guy was accidentally dunking himself, I noticed that the next guy to dunk doesn't slow down or anything, he just keeps on trucking like nothing is happening! What an inconsiderate fool! Also, in the video at 21 seconds when it's going in slow motion, as he goes in the hoop, you can see everyone's hands go up to their mouths as they gasp! I did the same just to try and fit in! One last thing I noticed was 13 seconds into the video when the guy goes through the hoop, a little boy in the top right hand corner throws his hands up in celebration! Oh, I have a detective eye :)

He Fell How Far?!?

A climber named Adam Potter fell ONE THOUSAND FEET down a mountain and was found standing up reading a map by rescuers. ONE THOUSAND FEET, PEOPLE! THIS GUY IS SUPER HARDCORE! Adam had just reached the summit of the 3,589ft Sgurr Choinnich Mor, when he lost his footing!!! Can you imagine the adrenaline of falling?!? I would have died before I hit the ground from a heart attack! He is recovering in the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow, where he was described as "doing fine"!!! The thing that amazed me so much was the crew found him standing up and reading his map! CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT?! You fall 1,000 feet, survive, then just stand up and pull out your map? You can't get much intense than that!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pale Kid Raps Fast!

This kid isn't even a professional rapper and he's better then all of the rappers out there! Personally I don't like rap but this was amazing! I can't stop watching it! Probably 1,000 of those 3 million views are mine! If he gets this on iTunes I would so buy it! By the way, I can't believe he burped while rapping! That's called Comedy Rap right there! I laughed when I saw it! I know one thing! I wouldn't wanna argue with this kid! I wouldn't be able to get a word in! Look at him go! I think I really need help. I can't stop pressing replay! When I first saw this I thought it was Michael Cera! I was like So is this what Michael Cera does in his spare time?! Hah hah. I crack myself up.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Final Exams!

So today I had to take two final exams to see what I learned this semester. Thank God... BOTH OF THEM WERE SUPER EASY! We had two hours to do both exams and in both tests, the class and I finished in about 20 minutes! I took an English exam which was about two stories we read earlier in the school year and then 10 questions about the parts of speech! I also took a music exam and since I play piano already it was super easy! We had to play one level one song - I'm on level four - and write an essay about what we learned in the class! The thing is I didn't learn anything in that class! Like I said... I play piano already! But still, I acted like I knew nothing in the essay to make the teacher feel good about himself, and the truth is, if I didn't know how to play piano I would have learned a bunch from that class! I hope at the end of next semester my exams will be as easy as they were this time around!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Singapore School Uses What?

Whoa, I wish my school would do this! That would be so awesome! This school in Singapore uses the iPad instead of textbooks! That sounds like a good idea to me! Acting like reading in class when I could be playing a game! :D

Nanyang Girls High School spent over $100,000 to buy iPads for students and teachers! I'm assuming this is a private school because in my school we don't even get to take the laptops home anymore... But these kids get to take the iPads home! Grrr... I'm jealous. They can use the internet in class to download books and material for the class. They can take notes on the iPad. My brother, who's in college, told me a girl in his class does that! The principle and teachers of the school said that it's working out really well! I don't see why it wouldn't! THE KIDS GET AN IPAD! WHO WOULD BE COMPLAININ'?!?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Comcast and NBC Together???

Woah ho ho! Comcast is playing with the big boys now! The Federal Communications Commission is allowing Comcast to merge with the country's largest CABLE company! NBC TELEVISION NETWORK! Now I can't see why the FCC would do that... whenever I'm just sitting at home, randomly my Comcast internet will go out! That means the phone will go out too since the internet and phone are both powered by Comcast! That's not very convient now is it! If Comcast suffers something so will NBC and so will the people watching NBC! I just think that they should allow NBC to merge with someone or something more reliable! My dog is more reliable then Comcast! If I gave him a rope and I was hanging off a cliff and he was holding the rope, he would be able to pull me up because he knows he'll get a bone! With Comcast they would just let go randomly and when they get complaints say, "OH WE'RE WORKING ON SOMETHING IN THE AREA. IT'LL BE BACK SHORTLY." -2 Weeks Later- Internet comes back!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Japanese researchers are doing a project this year to resurrect the long-extinct woolly mammoth! If they can do this, Japanese people will own the world! If humans can do this... we can do anything!!!
The scientists plan on doing this by using cloning technology to bring the beast back in five years time! They will try and revive (yes I know the world revive... but only from a video game) the species by getting tissue from the carcass of a mammoth which has been preserved in a Russian research laboratory! I wonder if they do this... can they resurrect famous dead people?!? o.o They should make a business out of this! What if they can ressurect my dog after he dies!!! :D Oh, I guess maybe Abraham Lincoln or Mahatma Ghandi might be good too. :)

Amazing Photography!

THIS IS BY FAR THE MOST AMAZING ANIMAL PICTURE I HAVE EVER SEEN! I WAS AMAZED WHEN I SAW IT! I WAS LIKE "NO WAY THAT'S REAL!" Well, I was right. It isn't. Well, it's sort of semi-real. The photographer, Kate Westaway, takes water pictures and then manipulates the images to make them amazing! In this case, she took the picture of this whale and added the effect of turning the whale upside down which makes the picture look so awesome! I'll be looking forward to some more amazing work from Kate Westaway!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


A panda-cow!?! What the heck...?!?
That's right, folks, that's what that thing is called, a panda-cow. And no, it's not that some freaky mad scientist decided to cross a panda and a cow! That would be just crazy! No, they genetically manipulated a bunch of miniature black-and-white striped cows until they came up with the panda-cow!
These things are so rare there are only 24 of them in the world. They're kind of cute too. I hope no one slaughters it and eats it! o.o
The guy that owns this panda cow, Ben, is Chris Jessen and he also owns a miniature kangaroo. Maybe he keeps these tiny little animals in his tiny little barn where they have tea parties with their tiny little teacups. lol

Sonny The Wonder Dog!

This dog is ALMOST as smart as my dog! I'm actually kind of starting to believe it! Can this dog read?!? But hey, my dog knows human language too! I said, "Hey mom want to take the dog out to eat with us?" And he got up ran over and started wagging his tail as to say, "I wanna go! I wanna go! TAKE ME!!!!!!!!!" We ended up taking him. He also perks up his ears when you say food, bone, or walk and he looks away when you say bath, shower, or when you take out his dry dog food! That's how spoiled he is! He doesn't like dog food!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Ferris Bueller House

Why is the Ferris Bueller house still on sale?!? I thought maybe it had to do with the fact that it's $1.7 million, but then I realized this a bunch of people doing just fine in this economy! So why is it that this house is still on sale? I'd think after what, 40 years, a Ferris Bueller-crazed fan would have saved up enough money to buy this house! It's not like it's not nice either! It's like the White House in that house! It has four bedrooms and four bathrooms and oh yeah, A FAMOUS MOVIE WAS FILMED IN IT!!!

Oregon's New Court

Oh! OH GOD. MY EYES! MY HEAD! OHHHHHHHHHHH! That's what most people said when they saw the new court that the Oregon State University Basketball Team was playing on! The Oregon Beavers were playing on Thursday against the University of Southern Californian Trojans and it was painful for everyone watching! But not because of the basketball. While the game was going on, even Oregon's coach had to look away because of the new court. TV viewers that were watching the college game had to do the same. This is because the glare that the new court gives off makes most people get headaches or feel queasy while looking at it! I wonder if the basketball players felt it too! I know one thing... I wouldn't want to play on that court! And I definitely wouldn't want to be in the arena watching a game. MIGRAINE!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Awesome Bowler!

What?!? I actually tried to do that once! I failed epically and then Mister Big Shot here comes along and does it without trying! You'd think a bowler that's good enough to play on the elite teams would have some sort of reaction when he throws it in to the gutter on the other lane like a little girl at a birthday party! THEN, when the ball knocks down the 10 pins in the other lane he simply does a fist pump like he's done it millions of times before! O.o blurble flurble. That's me mumbling angrily if you can't tell.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Carrier For the iPhone!

Verizon Wireless will soon be carrying the iPhone and a lot of people are switching over to Verizon. Man, Apple will be making way more money! So it's a win-win for both Verizon and Apple! The only company that's losing out here is AT&T! But recently, my friend told me that you shouldn't by the iPhone from Verizon and you should stay with AT&T because it's almost $15 more a month to have the iPhone with Verizon. Plus, a new iPhone is coming out soon! Everyone that has that iPhone 4 will get mad when the iPhone 5 comes out because they'll have just bought the old one! That seems a good enough reason to me! Good thing I'm not still with Verizon! I would have been BEGGING my mom for that phone and now that I'm with Metro PCS I know I can't get it! I would've been pretty mad if I went to Verizon and got it and then the new one came out! Good thing I won't have to worry about that!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Grenade in School?!

Jeez! What the heck is wrong with kids these days!? That's why we shouldn't be playing games like Grand Theft Auto! Police were called to a Broward County public school bringing bomb sniffing dogs because there was a grenade found on campus! I MEAN REALLY?! WHERE DO YOU EVEN GET A GRENADE? Who's gonna sell a little kid a grenade!? And what little kid would buy a grenade!? This little object forced the whole school to evacuate! Who knew such a little thing could cause so much mayhem! I would have been pretty pissed at this school, because after waiting outside for who knows how long, the police find out the grenade is a fake, inactive practice grenade found in a 4th graders backpack! At least nobody got hurt! What a day that must have been!


Man! This is my fifteenth year of existence? Already!? I was born in 1996 and the fact that it's already 2011 is surprising. I guess you could also find it interesting or amazing that it's 1/11/11 today! No really, I actually did find that kind of amazing! I heard a lot of people were getting married today too! Even though it's a Tuesday and not a weekend! But if I was getting married I would like it to be this date or 11/11/11! (If I wasn't underage, that is!) I guess it's also kind of an easy date to remember too!

With someone who got married on a normal date like 6/17/10
"Hey when did you get married?"
"Oh um, some date in the year of 2010."

With someone who got married on 1/11/11:
"Hey when did you get married?"
"Oh um, just the best date of all time! 1/11/11! Nailed it!"

Heidi - Internet Sensation

Heidi is the name of this crossed eyed opossum. She is thought to be two and a half years old, and was abandoned outside an animal shelter! Poor little Heidi, her name reminds me of the beer Heinken! But it's probably more likely related to the famous story about the Swiss orphan Heidi. :) Experts aren't sure why Opossum Heidi is cross eyed - either because of her diet before she was abandoned, or because she is overwieght which is leading to fat deposits behind her eyes! Uh oh, I hope this doesn't happen to my fat dog Nikko! Anyway, people liked and thought Heidi's eyes were funny so an internet page was set up for Heidi's fans! I'm not going to lie - even I liked Heidi on Facebook and thought she was funny :)

Monday, January 10, 2011


WHAT?!?!? TALK ABOUT A LUCKY MAN! A man named Darco Sangermano was hit in the temple with a .22 caliber bullet while wandering Naples on New Years/New Years Eve. Supposedly Naples is a city in Italy famous for its crazy New Year celebrations, often involving firearms and powerful fireworks! I'd like to go to Naples one day for New Years! Or maybe not because this might happen...

The bullet went through the right side of Darco's head, went behind his eye socket, and lodged in his nasal passage! I have no idea how. Maybe he's going to have good luck for the New Year because - amazingly and thankfully - it did no serious damage! He was "bleeding heavily", said the ambulance driver, and was taken to a hospital shortly after midnight. Then an amazing yet funny thing happened. While waiting to be seen by the doctors... he sneezed the bullet out! That's the best New Year's story ever... and a really great one to tell to his kids!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The New iPod!

So I got the new iPod for Christmas and I have to say it's working wonders! I got Skype on my iPod and now I can webcam all my friends with my iPod! I have to admit it's pretty cool! I'm really happy I got it! You can webcam, play games and listen to music all with this little device that sits in your pocket! Mind blowing, isn't it? Oh, the progress we've made since my mom's day when the most amazing technology was Asteroids! I even tried using my webcam to call my mom in class today! She wasn't online ): Well that's the end for this post! Gonna go webcam my friend now! :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

World's Largest Cave

What?!? Caves are still being discovered?! I didn't know that! This cave Hang Son Doong (hee hee, I know it's a funny name) was discovered in Vietnam! Vietnam is said "to have some of the world's most spectacular caves." I guess most of them are unexplored too if they didn't even know about this gigantic thing! This cave is said to be big enough in places to hold a New York City block of skyscrapers! When I read that my eyes popped out of my head! The cave is in the Annamite Mountains and it contains a river and jungle! (The cave's name translates to "mountain river cave") IT EVEN HAS IT'S OWN THIN CLOUDS! INSIDE THE CAVE, PEOPLE! I don't know how people didn't find out about this cave before! Amazing!

Monday, January 3, 2011


Along with Batman, there's going to be another Pirates of the Caribbean too! The writers of Pirates of the Caribbean are really screwing up. They're writing a fourth Pirates of the Caribbean called: On Stranger Tides. The third movie was bad enough, thank you very much!! At least two actors had enough sense not to return, Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightley. That should have just been a hint to not do another Pirates of the Caribbean!!! The writers of these movies are on crack or something now... they have no idea where they're taking this series. They should have just stopped at the second movie. Fourth movie now? Way too far!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

OVER-PRICED GAS! (Happy New Year)

WAT! I THOUGHT GAS PRICES WERE FINALLY GOING DOWN! Well unfortunately I was wrong! Way. Way. Way. WAY WRONG! As you all know today is New Years - Happy New Years by the way 1/1/11! - and the gas prices are supposed to be heading towards FOUR DOLLARS for one gallon of gas! So if you have a 15 gallon tank like my mom, it's SIXTY DOLLARS TO FILL UP YOUR CAR. SIXTY! SIXTY, PEOPLE! I wouldn't say I'm necessarily happy, but pleased because I'm expecting people to get rid of those giant hulk sized machines of metal that they call "SUV's". I guess it could also be better for the environment too... maybe people will start getting electric cars! Oh well - we'll see. It's only the beginning of the year! Only 364 more days too go! Happy New Year again!

- Alex