Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Carrier For the iPhone!

Verizon Wireless will soon be carrying the iPhone and a lot of people are switching over to Verizon. Man, Apple will be making way more money! So it's a win-win for both Verizon and Apple! The only company that's losing out here is AT&T! But recently, my friend told me that you shouldn't by the iPhone from Verizon and you should stay with AT&T because it's almost $15 more a month to have the iPhone with Verizon. Plus, a new iPhone is coming out soon! Everyone that has that iPhone 4 will get mad when the iPhone 5 comes out because they'll have just bought the old one! That seems a good enough reason to me! Good thing I'm not still with Verizon! I would have been BEGGING my mom for that phone and now that I'm with Metro PCS I know I can't get it! I would've been pretty mad if I went to Verizon and got it and then the new one came out! Good thing I won't have to worry about that!

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