Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Man! This is my fifteenth year of existence? Already!? I was born in 1996 and the fact that it's already 2011 is surprising. I guess you could also find it interesting or amazing that it's 1/11/11 today! No really, I actually did find that kind of amazing! I heard a lot of people were getting married today too! Even though it's a Tuesday and not a weekend! But if I was getting married I would like it to be this date or 11/11/11! (If I wasn't underage, that is!) I guess it's also kind of an easy date to remember too!

With someone who got married on a normal date like 6/17/10
"Hey when did you get married?"
"Oh um, some date in the year of 2010."

With someone who got married on 1/11/11:
"Hey when did you get married?"
"Oh um, just the best date of all time! 1/11/11! Nailed it!"

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