Sunday, January 30, 2011

Geezer Bandit!

Sure they gave him a nice funny name, but this is serious business. There is an "elderly" thief, who is nicknamed the Geezer Bandit. He is being hunted by police in California after he pulled off his thirteenth bank robbery! Who knew an old man could be such a criminal! He's 70+!

The FBI is offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the man! He has escaped police and authorities despite being pictured clearly on footage! How hard is it to catch an old man, people?!? On Friday afternoon he wore his standard outfit - dark glasses, a blazer, dark trousers and a hat, when he robbed a branch of Bank of America in Santa Barbara after threatening a cashier with a pistol! This guys no joke! I just want to know where all the money's going...

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