Monday, January 10, 2011


WHAT?!?!? TALK ABOUT A LUCKY MAN! A man named Darco Sangermano was hit in the temple with a .22 caliber bullet while wandering Naples on New Years/New Years Eve. Supposedly Naples is a city in Italy famous for its crazy New Year celebrations, often involving firearms and powerful fireworks! I'd like to go to Naples one day for New Years! Or maybe not because this might happen...

The bullet went through the right side of Darco's head, went behind his eye socket, and lodged in his nasal passage! I have no idea how. Maybe he's going to have good luck for the New Year because - amazingly and thankfully - it did no serious damage! He was "bleeding heavily", said the ambulance driver, and was taken to a hospital shortly after midnight. Then an amazing yet funny thing happened. While waiting to be seen by the doctors... he sneezed the bullet out! That's the best New Year's story ever... and a really great one to tell to his kids!

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