Tuesday, January 4, 2011

World's Largest Cave

What?!? Caves are still being discovered?! I didn't know that! This cave Hang Son Doong (hee hee, I know it's a funny name) was discovered in Vietnam! Vietnam is said "to have some of the world's most spectacular caves." I guess most of them are unexplored too if they didn't even know about this gigantic thing! This cave is said to be big enough in places to hold a New York City block of skyscrapers! When I read that my eyes popped out of my head! The cave is in the Annamite Mountains and it contains a river and jungle! (The cave's name translates to "mountain river cave") IT EVEN HAS IT'S OWN THIN CLOUDS! INSIDE THE CAVE, PEOPLE! I don't know how people didn't find out about this cave before! Amazing!

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