Saturday, January 1, 2011

OVER-PRICED GAS! (Happy New Year)

WAT! I THOUGHT GAS PRICES WERE FINALLY GOING DOWN! Well unfortunately I was wrong! Way. Way. Way. WAY WRONG! As you all know today is New Years - Happy New Years by the way 1/1/11! - and the gas prices are supposed to be heading towards FOUR DOLLARS for one gallon of gas! So if you have a 15 gallon tank like my mom, it's SIXTY DOLLARS TO FILL UP YOUR CAR. SIXTY! SIXTY, PEOPLE! I wouldn't say I'm necessarily happy, but pleased because I'm expecting people to get rid of those giant hulk sized machines of metal that they call "SUV's". I guess it could also be better for the environment too... maybe people will start getting electric cars! Oh well - we'll see. It's only the beginning of the year! Only 364 more days too go! Happy New Year again!

- Alex

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