Sunday, January 16, 2011


A panda-cow!?! What the heck...?!?
That's right, folks, that's what that thing is called, a panda-cow. And no, it's not that some freaky mad scientist decided to cross a panda and a cow! That would be just crazy! No, they genetically manipulated a bunch of miniature black-and-white striped cows until they came up with the panda-cow!
These things are so rare there are only 24 of them in the world. They're kind of cute too. I hope no one slaughters it and eats it! o.o
The guy that owns this panda cow, Ben, is Chris Jessen and he also owns a miniature kangaroo. Maybe he keeps these tiny little animals in his tiny little barn where they have tea parties with their tiny little teacups. lol

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