Thursday, January 20, 2011

Final Exams!

So today I had to take two final exams to see what I learned this semester. Thank God... BOTH OF THEM WERE SUPER EASY! We had two hours to do both exams and in both tests, the class and I finished in about 20 minutes! I took an English exam which was about two stories we read earlier in the school year and then 10 questions about the parts of speech! I also took a music exam and since I play piano already it was super easy! We had to play one level one song - I'm on level four - and write an essay about what we learned in the class! The thing is I didn't learn anything in that class! Like I said... I play piano already! But still, I acted like I knew nothing in the essay to make the teacher feel good about himself, and the truth is, if I didn't know how to play piano I would have learned a bunch from that class! I hope at the end of next semester my exams will be as easy as they were this time around!

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