Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Grenade in School?!

Jeez! What the heck is wrong with kids these days!? That's why we shouldn't be playing games like Grand Theft Auto! Police were called to a Broward County public school bringing bomb sniffing dogs because there was a grenade found on campus! I MEAN REALLY?! WHERE DO YOU EVEN GET A GRENADE? Who's gonna sell a little kid a grenade!? And what little kid would buy a grenade!? This little object forced the whole school to evacuate! Who knew such a little thing could cause so much mayhem! I would have been pretty pissed at this school, because after waiting outside for who knows how long, the police find out the grenade is a fake, inactive practice grenade found in a 4th graders backpack! At least nobody got hurt! What a day that must have been!

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