Sunday, January 30, 2011

He Fell How Far?!?

A climber named Adam Potter fell ONE THOUSAND FEET down a mountain and was found standing up reading a map by rescuers. ONE THOUSAND FEET, PEOPLE! THIS GUY IS SUPER HARDCORE! Adam had just reached the summit of the 3,589ft Sgurr Choinnich Mor, when he lost his footing!!! Can you imagine the adrenaline of falling?!? I would have died before I hit the ground from a heart attack! He is recovering in the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow, where he was described as "doing fine"!!! The thing that amazed me so much was the crew found him standing up and reading his map! CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT?! You fall 1,000 feet, survive, then just stand up and pull out your map? You can't get much intense than that!

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