Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Singapore School Uses What?

Whoa, I wish my school would do this! That would be so awesome! This school in Singapore uses the iPad instead of textbooks! That sounds like a good idea to me! Acting like reading in class when I could be playing a game! :D

Nanyang Girls High School spent over $100,000 to buy iPads for students and teachers! I'm assuming this is a private school because in my school we don't even get to take the laptops home anymore... But these kids get to take the iPads home! Grrr... I'm jealous. They can use the internet in class to download books and material for the class. They can take notes on the iPad. My brother, who's in college, told me a girl in his class does that! The principle and teachers of the school said that it's working out really well! I don't see why it wouldn't! THE KIDS GET AN IPAD! WHO WOULD BE COMPLAININ'?!?

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