Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Comcast and NBC Together???

Woah ho ho! Comcast is playing with the big boys now! The Federal Communications Commission is allowing Comcast to merge with the country's largest CABLE company! NBC TELEVISION NETWORK! Now I can't see why the FCC would do that... whenever I'm just sitting at home, randomly my Comcast internet will go out! That means the phone will go out too since the internet and phone are both powered by Comcast! That's not very convient now is it! If Comcast suffers something so will NBC and so will the people watching NBC! I just think that they should allow NBC to merge with someone or something more reliable! My dog is more reliable then Comcast! If I gave him a rope and I was hanging off a cliff and he was holding the rope, he would be able to pull me up because he knows he'll get a bone! With Comcast they would just let go randomly and when they get complaints say, "OH WE'RE WORKING ON SOMETHING IN THE AREA. IT'LL BE BACK SHORTLY." -2 Weeks Later- Internet comes back!

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